Friday, January 5, 2018

JFK PTO Update – January 5, 2018

Important Dates:
January 9 - JFK PTO Meeting (6-7:30pm)
January 9 - Rosalind Wiseman and Rachel Simmons Talk
January 15 - No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day

January 19 -The Teen Brain and Risk Taking
January 24 - Teacher Appreciation Lunch & No School - Teacher  Work Day
February 2 - JFK Day of Diversity
February 19-23 - No School: Winter Recess

Happy New Year JFK families. Welcome back to school! We hope you’re staying warm and safe in this very cold weather. A big thanks to all of YOU who help support our teachers and staff here at JFK Middle School! We are proud to have such a generous community. Best wishes to you and your students in 2018. ~JFK PTO

Calling all Cooks! JFK Staff Appreciation Luncheon is Wednesday January 24
This is a great chance to let our talented teachers and staff know how much we appreciate them. Sign up to cook something, pick up something quick at the store or help out on the day of the luncheon. Click on the link below and see all the details of how, where and when you can help. Our teachers really look forward to this event and we need your help to make it happen! If you have any questions please contact Darla Gormley at She makes the whole luncheon come together and we are very grateful for all her time and hard work over the past several years! We will need someone to step into her shoes next year,  if you are interested in learning more please contact the PTO at

JFK Day of Diversity
On Friday February 2, JFK is celebrating its own diverse community, in a Day of Diversity, with special attention to Northampton's legacy as an historic stronghold of both the Abolitionist Movement and the Underground Railroad. We will be celebrating the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, and the Civil Rights movement and looking forward towards building a more inclusive school. There will be special programming in the morning, with preparations during Forums leading up to the event itself. On Friday, there will be two assemblies featuring Ousmane Power-Greene, the Amherst Area Gospel Choir and other special guests. JFK musicians will perform, and Nerissa Nields will lead the school in "We Shall Overcome." Forum groups will watch a video on the Children's March of 1963, with discussion on how kids can be Upstanders to follow.

Join Us at Our Next PTO Meeting on Tuesday, January 9 (6-7:30 pm)

All are welcome at our next JFK PTO meeting on Tuesday, January 9 from 6-7:30 pm in the JFK Library. Be a part of the planning and lend your expertise to special projects at JFK. PTO Meetings are usually the first Tuesday of every month, except in January when we’ve moved to date to January 9. Future dates are February 6 and March 6. The more, the merrier!

The Teen Brain and Risk Taking
January 19th, 2018 Friday 6:30pm -8:30pm
With Dr. Ruth Potee and a special guest appearance by Officer Adam VanBuskirk from NPD to address "Dabbing" in the Northampton High School Auditorium. Why exactly are teens and pre-teens at a greater risk for developing an addiction to anything? How can you guide your pre-teens and teens to making healthy decisions? How can you help stem the tide of the opioid epidemic? And what the heck is dabbing and why should you be concerned? Learn all of this and more from a dynamic and compelling speaker, Dr. Ruth Potee and Officer VanBuskirk. Parents/Guardians and encouraged to bring their preteens/teenagers. This events are free and are open to the public.

Shall We Dance?
This year the JFK PTO is partnering with the Student Council to put together student dances. So far, we’ve secured events insurance and a dj. Watch for upcoming announcements regarding dates, decorating, and volunteering the night of the dance. Or, email us and let us know if you can help:

NOTE: If you plan to volunteer, please remember you need to have a current CORI. Ask at the JFK front office if you need to apply. It lasts for 3 years, and is needed for any in-school or field trip volunteering. 

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