Saturday, January 27, 2018

JFK PTO Update – January 26, 2018

JFK PTO Update – January 26, 2018
Important Dates:
February 2 - JFK Day of Diversity
February 6 - JFK MS PTO Meeting (6-7:30pm) in the JFK Library
February 12-16 - Volunteers needed for JFK Store (10:45am-12:45pm)
February 19-23 - No School - Winter Recess

Northampton Public Schools Budget Survey
Parents and guardians are encouraged to complete the Superintendent's Budget Survey on the district website It only takes a few minutes, and NPS values your input regarding the Northampton Public Schools budget.

JFK Day of Diversity
On Friday, February 2, JFK is celebrating its own diverse community in a Day of Diversity, with special attention to Northampton's legacy as an historic stronghold of both the Abolitionist Movement and the Underground Railroad. We will be celebrating the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, and the Civil Rights movement and looking forward to building a more inclusive school. There will be special programming in the morning with preparations during Forums leading up to the event itself. On Friday, there will be two assemblies featuring Ousmane Power-Greene, the Amherst Area Gospel Choir, and other special guests. JFK musicians will perform, and Nerissa Nields will lead the school in "We Shall Overcome." Forum groups will watch a video on the Children's March of 1963 with discussion on how kids can be Upstanders to follow.

Join Us at Our Next PTO Meeting on Tuesday, February 6 (6-7:30pm)
Attend our next JFK PTO meeting on Tuesday, February 6 from 6-7:30pm in the JFK Library. PTO Meetings are usually the first Tuesday of the month. Future dates are March 6 and April 3. Yes, you need more meetings in your life (!) and we stay on time and on task. Join us!

Weekday Volunteers Needed to Staff the JFK Store
The JFK Store was a big success in December and a lot of fun for students. We’d like to do it again, but we need volunteers who can help staff the store weekdays between 10:45am and 12:45pm. We are looking to open the store again the week before winter break (days of February 12-16). If you can help, please email us at:

NOTE: If you plan to volunteer, please remember you need to have a current CORI. Ask at the JFK front office if you need to apply.

JFK PTO Teacher Grant Update
The PTO recently voted to fund a new Teacher Grant that serves the 6th Grade Recyclones ELA team. This is a creative learning grant that involves a resident artist educator working with the ELA teacher to teach content. The lessons will be centered on the novel Beowulf. They will utilize Educational Theater techniques to create interactive learning experiences that will engage students in different elements of the novel. This program is six weeks long and the students will experience puppetry-making, storytelling, interacting with characters, setting visualization activities, and more. This is a pilot program that could potentially be offered to more 6th grade students in the years ahead.

Teacher Appreciation Lunch Thank You!
JFK teachers and staff loved January 24th’s appreciation luncheon. Big thanks to all our JFK families who cooked, shopped, and contributed to make this event special. Thank you especially to Darla and her daughter Amber who staffed the event and made sure it ran smoothly.

Upcoming Community Events:

CISV Interchange (ages 12 or 13), July 15-August 17, exchange program with the Netherlands
The only family-based CISV program, Interchange encourages a deeper encounter between two cultures. Taking place in two phases, one delegation is hosted by local families, and then, the local delegation is hosted by the foreign delegation in their country. During the two weeks, there is family time, group activities, and mini-camp. We need 1 more girl and 3 boys to complete the delegation. Visit the website at or For more information, email Jennifer Hall-Witt at

Northampton Prevention Coalition and SPIFFY
Northampton Prevention Coalition and SPIFFY (Strategic Planning Initiative for Families and Youth) have been invited to the February 1st City Council Meeting to present briefly on the Cannabis Control Commission's Draft Regulations for retail sales of recreational marijuana in Massachusetts. Public comment starts at 7pm. NPC and SPIFFY will present soon after. The public is invited to attend. Meeting will be held in the City Council Chambers 212 Main Street Northampton, MA.

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