An Anonymous Donor has just made it possible to attend the 2 week trip July 13 -July 25 at a very reduced price! An incredible donor just gave bigtime to the Ben Tassinari Scholarship fund! 10 young people ages 13 to 18 can now join our 2 week expedition (TS-4) at almost a 75% scholarship!! This brings the price down to $800.00, from the original price of $2,895.00. This is an unheard of price for this expedition! Our 2 week trip will see us hitting 6 of the channel islands with a special stop at the LARGEST SEA CAVE IN THE WORLD! Also: Hiking Santa Rosa, Tole Mour speed trials in the potato patch (maybe we will see 13 knots again this year?), snorkeling San Clemente, and if weather permits Cortez Banks! Of course there is regular camp fun during the two week trips: Olympics, game night, movie night, driving the $25,000.00 R.O.V. at 200 ft., SCUBA diving (for certified divers), sailing through the night on sea watches. You know...the usual camp fun.
This is only for alumni GDI staff who know of young folk that they feel would benefit from two weeks of exploring the ocean in the way that only we can do. The money is in place, so the first 10 that apply will be accepted! All you have to do is call our Summer Camp Registrar Rita at 800-645-1423 and she walk you through the process.
Ben Tassinarri Ben Tassinarri fulfilled a lot of roles while on board the Tole Mour and he was a master of all of them. He was the best kind of shipmate. Where ever he was, people around him would soon be laughing with him or amazed at something he was doing. The world didn't have enough time with Ben. The Ben Tassinarri Scholarship was put in place by friends and family of his so that students could enjoy a place and time that Ben enjoyed. I am proud to work with an organization that is keeping his memory alive by continuing to support his scholarship. I hope that someone you know can participate in this opprotunity. - Captain Snark - | What a Two Week Expedtion is Like  | | | | | | |