Monday, May 18, 2015

Proposed amendments to PTO bylaws

A member of the PTO is proposing an amendment to the PTO bylaws. Most of the changes focus on standardizing language and making the bylaws more reflective of the current PTO meetings and activities. One major proposed change it to term limits for Officers. The PTO bylaws, as they stand, require annual elections and do not allow any one parent to hold a position for more than 2 years. The proposed change would maintain the annual election provision, but would expand the term limit so that a parent can hold the same position for up to 3 consecutive years. And, after one year off, a parent would then be eligible to run for a position again, provided the parent still had one or more students in the school. The current by laws and the draft amendment are posted here: by-law amendments    and we will be discussing these at the next PTO meeting on Monday, June 1, at 5:30pm in the JFK Middle School Library. Please join us! All are welcome!